Comic Book Sexual Innuendo – Part 30


There’s a good reason why teachers need to submit course outlines for approval.

How the hell is Hazmat even supposed to drink that mead? o_O

How the hell is Hazmat even supposed to drink that mead? o_O

This class on Superhuman Gender Roles was taught in Avengers Academy #3 (October 2010) by Christos Gage, Mike McKone, and Andrew Hennessy.

Dubious Medicine – Part 4


Man, if Power Girl can’t get good emergency medical care, what hope do the rest of us have?

Weight, chest...does anyone else want to an inappropriate comment about any part of her anatomy?

Does anyone else want to add an inappropriate comment?

This addition of insult to injury courtesy of Power Girl #5 (November 2009) by Jimmy Palmiotti, Justin Gray, and Amanda Connor.

Sex and Dating, Superhuman Style – Part 14


When couples have relationship difficulties, it sometimes helps to engage in recreational activities together to help the mending process along. Not surprisingly, when one half of that couple is a metahuman, those activities can be somewhat more exotic.

That's a lot of steps right there, though. :)

That’s a lot of steps right there, though. 🙂

Today’s bonding moment has been brought to you by The Flash #101 (May 1995) by Mark Waid and Jose Marzan Jr.

Sex and Dating, Superhuman Style – Part 13


Beware the dreaded serious relationship talk.

I thought it was supposed to be TGIF, not TGIN...

I thought it was supposed to be TGIF, not TGIN…

Today’s example of divine ninja intervention courtesy of The Flash #108 (December 1995) by Mark Waid, Oskar Jimenez, and Jose Marzan Jr.

Tales From the Convention Floor – Part 3: Larry Hagman


As we say goodbye to 2012, we also bid a sad farewell to actor Larry Hagman, best known to television audiences for his roles as Major Anthony “Tony” Nelson in I Dream of Jeannie and ruthless oil baron John Ross “J.R.” Ewing in Dallas, the latter of he recently revisited for the 2012 revival of the series.

I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Hagman during Fan Expo Canada 2011, where he, decked out in a cowboy hat and “Team Hagman” shirt, was doing his best to keep the promotional machine rolling by signing so-called Hagman Dollars, novelty $10000 bills featuring a picture of J.R. Ewing on the front and Southfork Ranch on the back promoting organ donation and part of whose proceeds were being donated to charity.



What made this encounter particularly memorable to me was what happened after I’d received my autograph and reached out to shake his hand. He politely refused to do so, not out of ego but consideration: he was feeling a bit under the weather that day and didn’t want to risk giving me anything. But he said that he would totally be up for a fistbump. Yes, that’s right, people: I fistbumped J.R. Ewing. How awesome is that? 😀


Coolest. 79-year-old. EVER.

Godspeed, Mr. Hagman. You will be missed.

Cosplay Cavalcade – Part 2: Velma Dinkley


For all those Scooby-Doo fans who keep fawning over Daphne, all I can say is…keep it up. That leaves more of Velma for the rest of us.

Jinkies! :O

Jinkies! :O

To see more of talented cosplayer Gina B., please visit her deviantArt site, her Twitter account, or her Facebook official fan or personal pages.

Dreaming of a White Christmas


Too bad for the Flash that that white powdery stuff isn’t snow.

What would Christmas be without some hot coc(o)a? :P

What would Christmas be without some hot coc(o)a? 😛

Today’s round of yuletide cheer comes to you courtesy of The Flash #87 (February 1994) by Mark Waid, Mike Wieringo, and Jose Marzan Jr. Merry Christmas everyone! 🙂

The Mayan Calendar Countdown


Within the next 48 hours, we’ll know for certain whether or not we can laugh at this comic.

bz MAYAN12-21-09

The original version of this Bizarro strip, along with creator Dan Piraro‘s comments, can be viewed here.

Too Much Information – Part 3


Superpowers can be messy.


I think the disembodied, off-panel voice speaks for us all right now.

This wonder of menstruation has been brought to you by Runaways #1 (April 2005) by Brian K. Vaughan, Adrian Alphona, Jo Chen, and Craig Yeung.

Grist for the Insult Mill – Part 1


How can you tell if your man card’s been permanently revoked? Well, Wolverine calling you a pussy is a pretty damn good indicator.



This mutant emasculation has been brought to you by Runaways #10 (July 2009) by Chris Yost and Sara Pichelli.