Archive for the ‘Barbara Gordon’ Category

Superhero Problems – Part 1


And you thought tanning weird while visiting the beach was bad.

Just wear that facial mask for a few days straight and that burn should be gone in no time. :)

Just wear that facial mask for a few days straight and no one will notice. 🙂

Today’s inspired improvisation has been brought to you by Batgirl: Year One #7 (August 2003) by Scott Beatty, Chuck Dixon, Marcos Martin, and Alvaro Lopez.

Comic Book Sexual Innuendo – Part 34


How far would you go for justice? :O

Well, at least they let her keep the mask...

Well, at least they let her keep the mask.

Today’s cover-free undercover operation has been brought to you by Batman Confidential #18 (August 2008) by Fabian Nicieza and Kevin Maguire.

The Bat, The Robin, and The Pythons


Huh. Who knew that Batgirl enjoyed watching old British sketch comedy series?

Coconuts, perhaps? ;)

Coconuts, perhaps? 😉

This homage to Monty Python’s Flying Circus has been brought to you by Batman Family #3 (January-February 1976) by Bill Finger, Joe Greene, Elliot S. Maggin, Ernie Chan, José Luis García-López, Sheldon Moldoff, Dick Sprang, Vince Colletta, and Charles Paris.