Archive for the ‘Kid Flash’ Category

Going On The Ride of Your Life


There’s a good reason why you shouldn’t give teenagers the keys to your fancy new car. There’s an ever better reason why you shouldn’t give teenagers who can run at super speed the keys to your fancy new car.

Any crash you can walk away from...

Any crash you can walk away from…

Today’s driving lesson has been sponsored by Teen Titans #9 (May 2004) by Geoff Johns, Mike McKone, Marlo Alquiza, and Norm Rapmund.

The Lunar Archivist’s Sketchbook – Part 24


He’s no stranger to this blog and is back for an encore: Humberto Ramos has a sketch of Impulse for us this time around! 😀


Supereconomics – Part 3


Apparently, keeping track of money isn’t Batman’s strong suit. Or maybe Robin is just really good at cooking the books.

Ether Batarangs cost a lot or the Bat Family is extremely wasteful with them.

So Batarangs either cost a fortune or the Batman Family is extremely wasteful when it comes to using them.

Today’s example of creative accounting has been brought to you by Teen Titans #9 (May 2004) by Geoff Johns, Mike McKone, Marlo Alquiza, and Norm Rapmund.

Costume Hijinks – Part 1


Ted Barton wonders about a lot of the same things that comic book readers do. But, unlike the latter group, Ted Barton got one of his question answered by Kid Flash.

Now Ted Barton should ask Jim Lee why the hell he has everyone wearing those damn Nehru collars.

Today’s moment in costume design enlightenment has been brought to you by Sins of Youth: Kid Flash & Impulse #1 (May 2000) by Dwayne McDuffie, Angel Unzueta, and Jaime Mendoza.