Archive for the ‘Pop Culture Within Pop Culture’ Category

Pop Culture Within Pop Culture – Part 2


Note to self: Keep Brainiac 5 away from dead bodies in the future.

And people complain about "The Catcher in the Rye" being a bad influence...

And people complain about “The Catcher in the Rye” being a bad influence…

This disturbing revelation has been brought to you by Final Crisis: Legion of 3 Worlds #4 (June 2009) by Geoff Johns, George Pérez, and Scott Koblish.

Pop Culture Within Pop Culture – Part 1


Alfred Pennyworth‘s acquainted with the classics. All of the classics.

And here I thought being able to tie a bow tie backwards, without looking, while driving a limo was impressive. :)

And here I thought being able to tie a bow tie backwards, without looking, while driving a limo was impressive. 🙂

Today’s theatrical performance has been sponsored by Batman and Robin #20 (April 2011) by Peter J. Tomasi, Patrick Gleason, and Mick Gray.