Archive for May, 2013

Subliminally Yours – Part 3: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban


Man, who’d have thought that Hogwarts was a party school?

Remind me again why the Marauder's Map was made...? ^_^;

Remind me again what the purpose of making the Marauder’s Map was…? ^_^;

Studies in Douchebaggery – Part 2


Some people are jerks. Some people are evil. Lord Death Man is both.

Man, what an asshole. -_-;

Man, what an asshole.

This dick move has been to you by Batman Incorporated #2 (2011) by Grant Morrison, Yanick Paquette, and Michel Lacombe.

Damned If You Do, Damned If You Don’t…


Don’t believe in the no-win situation? Well, you’ve evidently never met the Dirty Pair.

I think the terrorists might be the more humane decision, actually...

I think the terrorists might be the more humane decision, actually…

This example of being stuck between a rock and a hard place has been brought to you by Dirty Pair #1 (December 1988) by Toren Smith and Adam Warren.

Waking Up on the Wrong Side of the Bed


If I came back from the dead, I’d probably be cranky and hurling expletives too.

I hope they didn't bury you in that clown costume, jackass.

I hope they didn’t bury you in that clown costume, jackass.

This bleep-worthy moment comes to you courtesy of Powers #27 (January 2002) by Brian Michael Bendis and Mike Avon Oeming.

Sex and Dating, Superhuman Style – Part 17


Superheroes have groupies? Who’d have thought?

Ugh...if they did, I hoped they burned it afterwards. :P

Ugh…if they did, I hoped they burned it afterwards. 😛

Today’s too much information moment has been brought to you by Powers #12 (June 2001) by Brian Michael Bendis and Mike Avon Oeming.

Manga Sexual Innuendo – Part 2


What good is appealing to someone’s sense of modesty if they have no concept of shame? not an appropriate use for medical supplies. o_O

That…is not an appropriate use for medical supplies. o_O

This improvised beachwear has been brought to you by Kanokon (かのこん) – Volume 7 (July 23, 2009) by Katsumi Nishino and Rin Yamaki.

Prince Charmless


When meeting a girl for the first time, it’s important to be careful what you say in order to make a good first impression.

I believe he meant "fair" in the sense of "of pleasing appearance" rather than "of light complexion". ^_^;

I believe he meant “fair” in the sense of “of pleasing appearance” rather than “of light complexion”, Adrienne. ^_^;

This unfortunate choice of words has been brought to you by Princeless #1 (October 2011) by Jeremy Whitley and Mia Goodwin.