Posts Tagged ‘Action Lab’

Costume Hijinks – Part 11


A chain mail bikini’s impractical. A chain mail tube top’s just a wardrobe malfunction waiting to happen.

Well, at least all that effort wasn't completely wasted. :)

Well, at least all that effort wasn’t completely wasted. 🙂

Today’s fashion tip has been sponsored by Princeless #4 (January 2012) by Jeremy Whitley and Mia Goodwin.

Princesses, Dragons, and The Man


We’re all slaves to the system. But not everyone’s aware of it.

I'm not sure whether Adrienne or Sparky has it worse. :/

I’m not sure whether Adrienne or Sparky has it worse. :/

This heavy dose of realism was provided by Princeless #1 (October 2011) by Jeremy Whitley and Mia Goodwin.

Prince Charmless


When meeting a girl for the first time, it’s important to be careful what you say in order to make a good first impression.

I believe he meant "fair" in the sense of "of pleasing appearance" rather than "of light complexion". ^_^;

I believe he meant “fair” in the sense of “of pleasing appearance” rather than “of light complexion”, Adrienne. ^_^;

This unfortunate choice of words has been brought to you by Princeless #1 (October 2011) by Jeremy Whitley and Mia Goodwin.