Posts Tagged ‘遊佐 恵美’

Costume Hijinks – Part 7


Medieval fantasy world heroine turned Japanese call center agent Emilia Justina, a.k.a. Emi Yusa, provides some valuable insight on the complex interrelationship between chest size, armor, economics, and battlefield strategy.

They can make for a goo distraction, though. ^_^;

They can make for a good distraction, though. ^_^;

This invaluable information has been brought to you by Demon King at Work! – Episode 3: The Overlord Goes on a Date With His Junior in Shinjuku (はたらく魔王さま! 03: 魔王、新宿で後輩とデートする) (April 11, 2013).

Enemy at the Gate


When the forces of good are standing at the gate of the fortress of evil, it’s time to put up the defenses.

Can the forces of evil legitimately call the police or 911 in cases like this?

Can the forces of evil legitimately call the police or 911 in cases like this?

Today’s attempt at home invasion courtesy of  Demon King at Work! – Episode 2: The Hero Puts Work First and Stays Over at Castle Overlord (はたらく魔王さま! 02: 勇者、仕事優先で魔王城に泊まる) (April 11, 2013).

Climbing the Corporate Ladder


Ambition is a good thing…usually.

HEY! That was MY plan for world domination, dammit! :P

HEY! That was MY plan for conquering Japan, dammit! 😛

The fast food route towards world domination has been brought to you by Demon King at Work! (はたらく魔王さま!/Hataraku Maou-sama!) – Volume 1 (June 27, 2012) by Satoshi Wagahara and Akio Hiiragi.

How The Mighty Have Fallen


Man, the economic crisis sucks for everyone.

I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry at this.

I’m not sure whether to laugh or cry at this.

This less-than-epic battle between good and evil courtesy of Demon King at Work! (はたらく魔王さま!/Hataraku Maou-sama!) – Volume 1 (June 27, 2012) by Satoshi Wagahara and Akio Hiiragi.